Thursday, March 6, 2008

Physical description

1. Age at time of death

The civilization began to develop sometime during the year 1200 A.D. The land spread as in any civilization and eventually during 1535 A.D. the downfall of the civilization struck as vicious Spanish conquistadors killed the Inca's and their properties in search of more land for their own.

2. Country of origin

The Inca's acts of expansionism was vast and fulfilling. It covered the lands from what is presently known as Ecuador to Central Chile. The expansion brought advancements in all aspects of the civilization including agriculture.
(New York State World History Textbook)

3. Approximate size of civilization

The Inca civilization grew over time and as a result the population varied. However, at its prime the civilization consisted of appproimately 12 million people.

4. Significant geographical features

The Incas landscape was very mountainous and rigid. The steep slopes made the task of arriving to the empire a miraculous and unlikely goal. It was obviously very kept to itself with the endearing protective walls that fortressed the empire.

1 comment:

W Brown said...

the link brings me to nothing useful.