Sunday, March 9, 2008

Forensic Analysis

1. List of used evidence.

  • Bullet

  • A ripped diary paper written by Pedro de cieza de leon

  • Bullet Case

  • Crumbled map of certain parts of Europe

  • A photograph of Fransisco Pizzaro

  • A photograph of an army and its leader guiding the way

2. Explain the significance of each piece of evidence.

The bullet and bullet case seem to represent that their was some type of homicide occurring during the time period. It seems that the Spanish used these tools to kill the Incas.

The crumbled map must be some type of representation of the intended path that the Spanish took from Spanish to the Pacific.

The craft work probably depicts the type of material frequently used by the Incas. We highly doubt it was used for protection. It might've been used for culinary work or even just simple auspicious artwork.

The letter might be some symbiosis of the type of on-going violence that was happening in the Inca empire.

The photograph of Fransisco Pizzaro was obviously left to show that he was somewhat the protagonist of the war.

The other photograph of the group of men show how one man ruled the others and how it was the solemn duty of the others to protect their leader. The leaders objective: to guide the troops.

3. Possible suspects.

- At this point it could honestly be anyone. Could be a Inca rebel or Spanish leader that killed the victim. Generally, it is an act of homicide.

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